Similarly to women experiencing menopause, men go through a decline in the hormone testosterone as they age. This decline in hormones is called andropause (aka MANopause) and brings a whole host of symptoms along with it. Studies show that testosterone production declines on average 3% per year. Not only does this cause men to feel tired, run down, and suboptimal, but also increases the risk of many other chronic diseases including heart disease.
There are many symptoms associated with low testosterone production. These include:
Extreme fatigue
Poor sleep—including difficulty falling and staying asleep
Lack of focus
Memory loss
Brain fog
Night sweats
Weight gain or inability to lose weight
Low muscle mass
Exercise intolerance
Joint pain
Decreased sex drive and/or performance
Bioidentical testosterone causes men to rediscover their zest for life. When optimal testosterone levels are achieved using bioidentical testosterone replacement, patients experience many benefits. These include:
Increased energy and vitality
Improved feeling of overall well-being
Anxiety and depression relief
Improved cognition, memory and focus—Goodbye brain fog!
Increased bone strength and bone mass
Increased muscle strength and muscle mass
Improved exercise endurance
Protection to the prostate and heart
Improved libido and sexual performance
Lowered cholesterol
Not only will testosterone therapy give you the boost of energy needed to get you back to the gym, but it is also a very important factor for helping to increase muscle mass and improve fat loss. Many patients notice that they have the energy needed to make working out a priority again. Testosterone is also very important for optimizing exercise endurance so workouts will become easier to achieve and won’t become such an energy drain. Patients often notice that they can workout much harder and for longer than they were able to prior to testosterone therapy. They also experience gains much faster and easier than they had before, increasing motivation at the gym and spiraling forward to a healthier lifestyle.
Many studies show that testosterone is protective against many chronic diseases when at the proper levels. In addition, low testosterone levels are associated with an overall increased risk of mortality due to a rise in these conditions. Through the use of bioidentical testosterone pellets, we are able to get testosterone levels back to the levels that are protective to the heart, bones, prostate and brain.
Not only does testosterone help relieve many symptoms associated with poor cognitive function, it is also very important in protecting the brain against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Studies show that men with low testosterone are 3 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, then men with optimal testosterone levels.
Testosterone has many benefits that make it cardioprotective. Optimal levels of testosterone result in improved lipids by lowering triglycerides and LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) and elevating HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol). It also plays an important role in improving insulin resistance, thus decreasing the risk of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Because of it’s effects on body fat and muscle mass, it also helps to prevent against metabolic diseases.
Contrary to belief, testosterone may not be as bad for the prostate as once thought. Multiple studies show that low testosterone levels are associated with higher grades of prostate cancer AND that there is NO increased risk of prostate cancer in patients with higher levels of testosterone.
We get many questions in our forums about the effects of testosterone therapy on men who have been previously diagnosed with prostate cancer. Studies show that there is no increased risk of recurrence of prostate cancer in patients with normal PSA levels after cancer treatment and testosterone therapy can vastly increase the quality of life in these patients.
Testosterone is known as the great bone BUILDER. Testosterone optimization therapy via hormone pellets is the most optimal way to increase bone resorption with an average of 8.3% bone production per year. We have many patients who have had bone scans that once showed bone loss normalize due to pellet therapy. Many of our patients also supplement with ADK, which contains Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Vitamin A, causing optimal Vitamin D levels and enhanced absorption.
Have further questions or think that you might be a good candidate for hormone pellets? Call our office to setup a complimentary consultation with one of our experienced providers!